Latex bibentry package and IEEE bibliography style, from Night Walker

June 4, 2012

From here:


When I used Latex bibentry package together with IEEEtran bibliography style, an error would occur:
paragraph ended before \BR@bibitem was complete.

Googled but didn’t find any solution until came to this page. The solution is to use the IEEEtrantools LaTeX package.

To use the package, load it using


The option [retainorgcmds] asks IEEEtrantools NOT to override the standard LaTeX itemize, enumerate and description list environments.

Of course you need to load bibentry

Add the following entry to the .bib file:

CTLdash_repeated_names = {no},
CTLuse_alt_spacing = {no}}

This entry is to give you the access to the IEEEtran.bst controls. CTLdash_repeated_namescontrols whether dashes are used for repeated names or not. CTLuse_alt_spacing controls the alternate interword spacing for bib entries with URLs. The label of the entry “BSTcontrol” can be changed as long as you use the same name in the \bstctlcite{} command.

After the \begin{document} command, add

\bstctlcite{BSTcontrol} % activate the IEEEtran controls.

Now the bibentry works well with IEEEtran style.


Click to access IEEEtran_bst_HOWTO.pdf



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